James Baldwin Elementary

James Baldwin
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Building Leadership Team (BLT)

Building Leadership Team (BLT)

Each Seattle public school has a Building Leadership Team (BLT), whose primary function is to promote and facilitate the collaborative decision making process which affects academic achievement. Its more specific responsibilities are to oversee the facilitation and development of the  Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP), professional development, and the school budget. James Baldwin Elementary BLT is composed of the Principal, five staff members who represent K-2, 3-5, literacy specialist, & a bilingual instructor and a parent (open).

The BLT is the steward of the academic program of the school – the critical support and advisory team for the administrative team who are responsible for the final decisions. The CSIP lays out goals and strategies to boost student achievement. 

The BLT plans professional development activities to meet the needs of teachers as they work to implement the CSIP.

Each school in the district has control over how it budgets some of the funds it receives from the district. The BLT determines the staffing needs and budget to meet the goals of the CSIP. 

The BLT meets monthly.  The public and parents are welcome to attend.  James Baldwin Elementary currently needs parent input for the BLT.