James Baldwin Elementary

James Baldwin
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Donate to James Baldwin

There are many ways to donate to James Baldwin Elementary: volunteering, purchasing items from the teachers’ wishlist or direct donation. We thank you with sincere gratitude for any contributions you make. It makes a big difference in our students’ and teachers’ lives. We appreciate all the community support we have received thus far. THANK YOU!  Please watch the video below for a brief look into our caring and loving school.

(A huge Thank You to our “Friend of James Baldwin” member Alex Keyes for the production of this amazing video.)

Direct donations go toward many things:  

  • Scholarships for 5th grade camp
  • Teacher grants for classroom teachers, library, physical education and art
  • Sponsorship for some school assemblies
  • Teacher appreciation week
  • Sponsorship for school events
  • Purchase what is needed for students in need (eye glasses, coats, shoes, groceries, etc.)
  • Additional office support/human resources
  • Scholarships for school t-shirts
  • Yearbook support, etc. 

James Baldwin Elementary PTO

Online Donations to PTO

James Baldwin Elementary PTO online donation

You may donate online in several ways:

  1. You may donate through the James Baldwin PTO Website where you can donate with Debit Card, Credit Card or Paypal. These funds are available to the James Baldwin Elementary PTO immediately and are charged at 2.2% processing fee.
  2. If you have a Paypal.com account, you may donate through the Paypal Giving Fund, which will disburse the funds to James Baldwin Elementary PTO once a month.  There is no fee charged for donations given through the Paypal Giving Fund.

Note: All donations made via check, online or through Paypal Giving Fund are tax deductible.  James Baldwin Elementary PTO is a recognized 503(c)(3) charity recognized by the IRS. Our tax ID number is 81-2942021.

Mailed or In-person Donations to PTO

You come into the office or you can mail donations directly to our school, checks payable to: James Baldwin Elementary PTO

James Baldwin Elementary
Attn: PTO
11725 1st Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98125

James Baldwin Art Department Donations

Message from Art Teacher, Mr. Barber: We rely heavily on donations to ensure we have what students need to be successful. Last year, through the generosity of friends and family, $1,500 was donated to the art department. This year, I would like to set the goal at $2,000. Every cent of your donation will go to a group of students whose gratitude, joy and imagination have real power in improving our world.

Donate to the James Baldwin Art Department

With sincere gratitude, THANK YOU!